Driving for College Business
Listed below are College policies and procedures related to vehicle usage when driving on College business and for College-sponsored events. These policies and procedures have been established to support the safety of Aquinas College drivers.
Driver Requirements
Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees | Employees, who are assigned to drive a College-owned, rented or leased vehicle to perform any Aquinas College assigned tasks, must have their driving record checked annually. Campus Safety is responsible for requesting driving records from the State and determining it the record is acceptable. |
Non-Employee Students | College-owned, rented or leased vehicles may not be used by non-employed students unless approved by the requesting Department Manager/Chair or equivalent and their driving record has been checked by Campus Safety. |
Student Clubs / Sports Clubs and/or RSO Organizations | College-owned, rented or leased vehicles may not be used by Student Clubs / Sports Clubs and/or Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). |
Michigan Driving Record Check | Campus Safety checks driving records once annually and expects that the faculty/staff, intern, student or individual will inform the department if they receive citations that would prohibit them from driving for Aquinas College travel. For requests, allow 7 business days. |
Out of State Driving Record Check | Individuals with an out of state drivers license, who need to drive for College business purposes are required to provide a driver's record from the state their driver's license is issued to Campus Safety. ie. Illinois drivers license would have to provide an Illinois driver's record. |
Driver Responsibilities
An individual driving a College-owned vehicle must have a valid, unrestricted U.S. drivers license, with proper class and endorsements listed for the vehicle(s) to be operated and must have a satisfactory driving record.
Additionally, an individual driving his/her personal vehicle with passengers for business related purposes must also have a valid, unrestricted U.S. drivers' license, with proper class and endorsements listed for the vehicle to be operated and must have a satisfactory driving record.
NOTE: Driving records checks are performed through Campus Safety.
For requests, allow 7 business days.
Additional notes:
Drivers on College business travel are expected to observe all posted speed limits
and to operate vehicles in accordance with applicable laws and state regulations.
Drivers and all passengers in vehicles must wear safety belts.
All drivers are prohibited from using hand-held cell phones or texting while driving.
Don't drive tired. Limit driving time to 6 hours max with a full night’s sleep.
Take frequent rest stops (Recommended every 2 hours).
Use of 15 Passenger Vans is PROHIBITED (see 15 passenger vans below).
Vehicle Usage
College Owned Vehicles | Automobile Liability insurance provides coverage for the College and its authorized
drivers for claims or negligence which results in damage to property of others or
bodily injury to third parties within the limits of the Michigan No-Fault Act. Physical Damage (collision) insurance covers damage to College owned vehicles, subject to a deductible. All accidents must be reported to the Campus Safety (616-632-2462) so that a claim may be filed if appropriate under the Michigan No-Fault Act. For further information on Use of Equipment and Vehicles see policy 610 in the Staff Handbook. |
Rental Vehicles | The College's Auto Liability coverage is excess of any other valid and collectible
coverage. The College does not carry Physical Damage (collision) coverage for rental vehicles. College policy states that any vehicle rented for business use must have Physical Damage (collision) Insurance. Please purchase this insurance through the Rental/Leasing Agency |
Privately Owned Vehicles | Aquinas College employees using their personal vehicles for College related business
should be aware of the following in compliance with the Michigan no-fault law:
Anyone using a personal vehicle at any time for college-related travel must carry the following as minimum insurance coverage on their personal vehicles:
*Note: This level of insurance is generally standard however higher liability limits are available. Please also note: You are entitled to the standard mileage reimbursement rate when your personal vehicle is used to perform College business. Mileage reimbursement is intended to cover the cost of depreciation of the car, gas, oil, maintenance and insurance. |
15 Passenger Vans | Due to warnings issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
and requirements of the College's auto insurance carriers, 15 passenger vans are not
an acceptable mode of travel for Aquinas College business purposes (including class
trips, intercollegiate sports, academic trips, research travel, etc.) 15 Passenger Vans are generally excluded from coverage under Aquinas College's auto policies. Please see the following sites for more information regarding 15 Passenger Vans: NIRSA NHTSA |
Accident Reporting | Report the accident to the appropriate authorities. If on campus, contact Aquinas
College Campus Safety at (616-632-2462). If off-campus, contact the nearest police
authority. Accidents involving injuries to employees must also be reported to Aquinas College Human Resources at (616-632-4298) |
Campus Safety
(616) 632-2462
On-campus Emergency: x.3333